
Living in Praise

Worshipping and Knowing God

David Ford and Daniel Hardy

978 0 232 52625 7
Paperback |224 pp |216 x 135 mm
Price: £14.95

The desire to praise and celebrate is universal. Although the movement of praise runs through all the great issues of life, knowledge, and theology, it is best fulfilled in praise to God. Drawing on examples from the Bible to modern times, the authors thoroughly analyse the concept of praise throughout Christian history and explore possibilities for integrating doctrine and worship. The result is a theology that is exceptionally joyous but firmly grounded in a prophetic vision of God and his importance for human knowledge and existence. As a substantial resource for clergy and readers interested in current conversations about worship and spirituality, this book provides rich insights.

ISBNs: 9780232526257 978-0-232-52625-7 Title: living in praise