
Things That Make For Peace

A Christian peacemaker in a world of war

Peter B. Price

978 0 232 53346 0
Paperback |240 pp |216 x 135 mm
Price: £12.99

978 0 232 53347 7

‘The church as a whole may not have all the answers [about war and violent conflict] but it does at least understand the questions – and Peter understands them better than most. His answers are not lofty “stuck in the clouds” aspirations, but grounded in hard-lived experience.’

Major General (Retd) Tim Cross CBE

‘From the first pages onward, Peter shows us that peacemaking is not a metaphor for soft and fluffy ideas but the hard work of being human in a broken world. For the sake of a peace-filled world, this book is not just highly recommended, but should be required reading.’

Dr Mark Gornik, Director, City Seminary of New York

‘Through his own spiritual questioning, Peter reflects the universal dilemmas we all face in making sense of our chosen ethical and moral guides, as well as the often difficult steps peacebuilders take in support of social justice and reconciliation.’

Dr Zahbia Yousuf, Peacebuilding Editor and Analyst, Conciliation Resources

Drawing on the experiences and lessons of over forty years working on the frontline of reconciliation and peace building, in Northern Ireland, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East, Peter B. Price explores what it means to respond to the biblical call to ‘seek peace … and pursue it’ (Psalm 34:14). What is required of Christians today in the light of the increasing number of wars, insurgencies, holocausts and genocide, is a deeper understanding of what true peacemaking costs, and an answer to the question: ‘Can Christianity continue to sanction war?’

The image used on the front cover is a detail from Dew Pond by Iron Age Hill Fort by Sir Don McCullin CBE, suggested by the photographer for use on this book.

Peter B. Price is an author and broadcaster, and Chair of the Trustees of Conciliation Resources, a peace-building NGO working in many conflict areas around the world. Formerly, he was Bishop of Bath and Wells, Bishop of Kingston upon Thames, Bishop Protector for Anglican Peacemakers, Canon Chancellor of Southwark Cathedral and Secretary of the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.
ISBNs: 9780232533460 978-0-232-53346-0 Title: things that make for peace ISBNs: 9780232533477 978-0-232-53347-7 Title: things that make for peace