
God Is Green

Christianity and the Environment

Ian Bradley

978 0 232 53470 2
Paperback |144 pp |216 x 135 mm
Price: £12.99

978 0 232 53471 9
eBook |144 pp

"A landmark book ... should be the stuff of conversation in every congregation."

John Bell

God is Green examines what the Bible has to say about humanity’s relationship with and responsibility for the environment, and how Church traditions over the centuries have interpreted this. Ian Bradley argues that Christianity at its essence is a ‘green faith’ which has been distorted over the years. First published in 1990, this new edition of the book is revised for the contemporary state of our climate, and includes a chapter-by-chapter study guide for individuals and small groups.

Ian Bradley is Emeritus Professor of Cultural and Spiritual History at the University of St Andrews.
ISBNs: 9780232534702 978-0-232-53470-2 Title: god is green ISBNs: 9780232534719 978-0-232-53471-9 Title: god is green