
When Silence Speaks

The Spiritual Way of the Carthusian Order

Tim Peeters

978 0 232 53202 9
Paperback |222 pp |216 x 135 mm
Price: £12.99

978 0 232 53237 1
eBook |192 pp

'I have just read the most extraordinary and riveting book entitled When Silence Speaks which describes the solitude, silence and deep spirituality of the Carthusian monks and their daily routines of manual labour, prayer and Lecio Divina. The author, Tim Peeters, is a priest of the Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussels. The original Dutch version of this book received the award for Religious Book of the Year in Belgium. It is nothing less than a masterpiece.'

Anthony Redmond, Irish Catholic

True solitude is a rare experience in today’s busy world. For many people it has negative connotations, but for the Carthusian monks it is a blessing. They have given up everything in order to share in the desert experience of Jesus and to continue the ancient traditions of the Desert Fathers, who searched for God in the realms of silence.

When Silence Speaks uncovers the deep spiritual foundations on which this remarkable and mysterious order of hermits has built for more than nine centuries: solitude and silence, separation and simplicity, contemplation and prayer, asceticism and perseverance. It includes an anthology of the original spiritual literature of the Carthusian tradition, the testimonies of monks who still follow the Carthusian way today, and a selection of photographs that provide a rare window into their world away from the world.

‘To understand what is almost incomprehensible,’ writes author Tim Peeters, ‘we will take a walk with Saint Bruno and the Carthusian monks. We will climb into the high mountains of the Chartreuse massif near Grenoble [in France] where the origins of the order are situated. We will watch over the walls of the monasteries and enter into the cells and the hearts of the monks. And we hope you will taste something of the ultimate goal of this solitary and silent life: God, who speaks when the Carthusian listens and keeps quiet.’

The original Dutch version of this book received the award for Religious Book of the Year in Belgium. It has also been published in French and Italian.

Tim Peeters is a priest of the Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussels. This book is the result of his Master’s thesis on the history of the Carthusian order and of his personal encounters with Carthusian monks in different European monasteries.
ISBNs: 9780232532029 978-0-232-53202-9 Title: when silence speaks ISBNs: 9780232532371 978-0-232-53237-1 Title: when silence speaks